Online Giving

Your donations would mean a lot to us. We are overwhelmed with your interest in giving us monetary aid to extend our causes and faith to humanity. May the Lord bless your way today.

  • Faithfully Honoring God – When you sign up to give online you are deciding in advance to faithfully give. God always blesses that kind of faith! The Bible teaches that we are to honor God with the “First Fruits” of our labor (Proverbs 3:9). By setting up a recurring contribution that is scheduled to come out of your account on the day you specify, you can ensure that your First Fruits are faithfully given back to God.
  • Simplicity – You won’t have to remember whether you gave this month or send in an offering by mail when you’re on a trip.
  • Security – We utilize an encrypted secure website for your online records. Online giving is more secure than giving with a check or cash because an electronic gift can’t be lost or stolen.
  • Focus – Instead of having to worry about writing a check and filling out an envelope during the service, you can be fully focused on the worship service, knowing that you have already given your offering.

Automatic Bank Bill Pay
Automated Bank Bill Pay is the easiest and most effective way to automate your giving. Once it is set up, you may update or change your giving at any time by simply changing the amount on your bank’s website. If you aren’t currently using bill pay, contact your bank or see your bank’s website to set up Bill Pay. With Bill Pay.

Tithes and Offerings
Financial giving at CUMI can generally be divided into two categories: tithes and offerings. The Bible teaches us that we worship the Lord with our tithe, which is ten percent of our income contributed to the church on a regular basis. When we feel called to give over and above our tithe, we do so as an offering.

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